
Cloud Contact Centre: Ensuring Business Success and Customer Satisfaction

Mon 21 March 2022, telkomtelstra

Author: Asi Christo Agung Pasaribu

The Covid-19 pandemic has made businesses adapt rapidly to working from wherever and whenever, predominantly from home as the safest available choice, whereas previously, this was not seen as an ideal working arrangement.

The pandemic has also led to increased demands for Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS), because this solution is able to fulfill complex and multi-regional needs. CCaaS is a Software as a Service (SaaS) based application, which makes it possible for a company to have customer service capable of managing multi-channel customer interaction, whether from the perspective of customer experience or employee experience.

This high demand for CCaaS is in line with Magic Quadrant Gartner 2022 research results, which show that CCaaS will become the chosen model adopted by around half of the world’s contact centers at the current time. In less than 3 years – predominantly because of the impact of the pandemic – CCaaS penetration will double.

The pandemic made the cloud the main asset of a company, particularly companies which already had a contact center with a cloud platform, as well as those still migrating to the cloud. This means that without a cloud strategy, a company cannot ensure business continuity, and monitor customer satisfaction.

The cloud solution provides many benefits for a company, including ease of use, cost reduction, flexibility and direct scalability. Then there is increased data security and accessibility. Furthermore, the flexibility of the cloud solution makes it possible for a company to diversify central employee contacts on various sites and ensure smooth business continuity, because all employees have access to the same tools, wherever they are.

The criteria which form the basis of a company’s considerations in implementing a Cloud Contact Centre platform include, Flexibility, Reliability, Total cost ownershipandSecurity & compliance, as well as growth in line with users’ business. In other words, a contact center is a service required to connect a company and its customers, and has an important role for companies wanting to develop their business and increase sales figures.

The Cloud Contact Center (CCC) solution can reduce, or even erase capital expense and replace it with operational expense. This means that users only pay for costs based on the frequency of use. The Cloud Delivery model also makes it possible for customers to manage capacity according to requests.

Contact centers are currently experiencing extraordinary development and continuously adapting to customer needs to provide the best experience. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integration with CCC solutions has become standard for businesses that need unlimited integration between the two applications because they complement each other. CRM is no longer based on data alone, but also based on resources which can be activated and empowered by CCC solutions, becoming a new source of income.

The function of CCC is to support a company to provide unlimited interaction between vendors/service providers and customers, as well as providing statistics/interaction reports, which help to provide better customer service to achieve customer experience satisfaction.

Customer experience is inseparable from the success of a business. In a fast-moving world, businesses need access to the latest features and technology on a reliable and easy to use platform, to enable multi-channel communication with a customer-centric approach, to achieve optimal customer experience.

However, this phenomenon raises a challenge. The decision to switch suddenly to the cloud from previously used platforms is not as simple as turning a corner. Many companies require time and in-depth analysis to switch to the cloud.

Another factor is connected to infrastructure management, which, if undertaken in-house, can present a number of challenges such as convincing management to provide a larger budget, and a tendency for difficulty adapting to or adopting new technology. The result is that a business can become uncompetitive and always  be left behind in providing customer satisfaction through products offered.

The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) database only exists in one place in a major data center, which comprises millions of data to transform into income opportunities. All customer data, references, questions and PIC are available in the CRM application. A simple integration through the phone system and an omni-channel solution makes this data become an important point for gaining potential customers.

Many companies are currently having to spend great expense to develop a contact center. Traditional contact centers are considered complicated, expensive, and require days, or even weeks, to implement necessary change.

The Digiserve Cloud Contact Centre makes it possible for users to control the technology and create a contemporary service experience with better business flexibility and control. Digiserve provides the best from two aspects – the latest software innovation supported by ipSCAPE, as well as a hosting service and strong network owned by Telkom Group. Other solutions are focused on Intelligent Call Routing, Improved Agent Productivity, Omni-Channel Takes it AllandSmart Reporting for Any Interactions.

CCC services are also capable of increasing company sales, changing a contact center into a revenue center, increasing agent productivity, activating independent customer service, achieving targets related to compliance, flexibility, measurability and cost saving, as well as targets related to customer service.

With CCC services from Digiserve, businesses will benefit from increased customer satisfaction with swift, smart customer engagement, making it possible for the company to stay focused on service, while adapting to and adopting technology that grows in line with users’ business.