
How Azure Stack can help Enterprise IT with DevOps practices

Thu 01 August 2019, telkomtelstra

A lot of companies prefer to concentrate on developing their core products and services, and do not have the inclination or resources to invest in IT infrastructure. They will seek the ways to lighten the burden of operation and maintenance. For these companies, cloud computing is an attractive solution for their enterprise IT needs.

Cloud computing is a platform that deliver computing services, such as storage, databases, networking, remotely through the internet. In general, cloud computing offers advantages such as cost savings, better security, and better flexibility.

Companies need not to pay for initial infrastructure and human resources, maintenance is easier, and are able to structure operating cost more efficiently. No need to spend in expensive IT infrastructure only to left it underused.

Let us look at a fintech company that provides monetary services from one business to others. The company will need computational infrastructure. For example, the company will want to have a database that keeps track the transaction and calculates your expense and profit, not to mention other tools such as web servers and office software.

To solve this problem the company may want to turn to cloud computing as the best solution, to be able to focus on the short term or long term business goals and leaving IT infrastructure aside. They can subscribe to database, analytics and other IT infrastructure services through internet, and leave the complex operations and IT management to the the cloud computing provider.

Choosing cloud computing providers are not easy. Not only you want to ensure you choose the provider that will help you to drive down costs and increase efficiency, you also need to ensure that your company complies with local regulations that apply to your business. For example, in Indonesia companies have to satisfy PP 82/2012 that states that data or servers have to be located locally in Indonesia.

Telkomtelstra as Cloud Service Provider help businesses manage their IT infrastructure as cloud service. We use Microsoft Azure Stack as Cloud technology platform that will provide many effective advantages in term of business. Businesses can choose “pay as you go” charging method according to usage, giving you flexible cost structure, and reduce costs of IT operations and development.

Performance and reliability are other advantages. Telkomtelstra is the specialist in its sector, and is knowledgeable in the latest business trends. It also has accomplished Tier-4 datacenter certification. Since its cloud data center resides in Indonesia, Telkomtelstra complies with PP 82/2012.

DevOps advantage

When your company can cut costs and improve your IT environment readiness, you can free up resources and focus on the important thing, your products and services. In current competitive environment it is imperative for businesses to move faster and be more agile to meet heightened expectations of customers. The software development team should be able to deliver products quicker, but without sacrificing security and reliability.

DevOps culture seeks to address the need to get groups within the organization to deliver software faster and more reliably to customers and end users. DevOps breaks the traditional barrier between development (dev) and operational (ops) teams, gets the dev and ops teams to standardize on a common set of agile processes and tools for software delivery. These processes and tools often include:

  • Plan, track, and discuss works across the teams in Shared dashboard;
  • Automated configuration management, testing and application deployment;
  • Version control of application and infrastructure code to enable collaboration and rollbacks;
  • CI (continuous integration) to automate code builds and enable faster feedback and iteration through more frequent, lower risk releases.
  • Microsoft Azure DevOps addresses all these requirements and put it in single environment, and works well with Azure Stack cloud environment.

Each Azure DevOps service is open and extensible. They work great for any type of application regardless of the framework, platform, or cloud. You can use them together for a full DevOps solution or with other services. You can build your DevOps environment and tailoring with Azure resources easily with clear simple guidance from your Azure Portal.

Azure DevOps also supports both public and private cloud configurations. You can run them on our cloud services, or on your own data center.

DevOps brings together people, processes, and technology, automating software delivery to provide continuous value to your users. With Azure DevOps solutions, deliver software faster and more reliably and solve critical issues quickly—no matter how big your IT department or what tools you are using.
Interested? For more inquiries please contact us

written by: Ahmadi Alfauzy Harahap, Software & Platform Architect telkomtelstra